Saturday, March 15, 2008

What's this all about?

This is where i like to vent it out. We all have our space and this is mine. I'm a motor-buff and will occasionally write about the bitter-sweet life of Pg3! Join me in this mystical journey through India. If you have similar likes or even if you hate this then make sure to share your thoughts...


Nuzhat Aziz said...

Hey chqd out ur blog! Quite cool... just like you... even though i must admit I am not a bike/car freak I cann't say much for the Pulsar ad u mentioned... but i must admit itz a HOT ad! cheers and keep writing!

nishit_smokeinc said...

hey !! good start man!! i think this was long due...and can u believe it? i had heard abt the Pulsar ad but did not get a chance to see it until now on ur blog!! Mindblowing stuff man!!! Keep us updated Dude...CHEERS!